Best practice-1:Title of the practice:
“Institution’s Social Responsibility – Community Awareness Programmes”.
Objectives: “Service to Humanity is service to God”
· To provide Hands - on - experience to young students in delivering Community services.
· To give exposure to students in experiential learning beyond traditional class room learning.
· To involve students in social activities which promote citizenship role and social networking skill.
· To create a linkage between Institution and Community where they live.
· To involve students in eradicating social problems.
· To give an opportunity to the students to identify the needs and problems of the Community which intern helps them to develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
Context: Creating awareness is the prime intention of this practice. It reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. It underlines that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of society as a whole. The following challenges were identified after the survey made by the volunteers in the community.
· Educating illiterate regarding social ill-practices such as Smoking, illegitimate sexual contacts, alcohol consumption, the importance of the cleanliness of the surroundings etc.
· Eradicating ill- practices prevailed in the community.
· Empowering uneducated women.
· Hygiene and sanitation requirements especially to women.
· Elevating concern over cleanliness.
The programs were designed and planned by NSS unit of the Institution and the volunteers were well trained for implementing the designed programs.
The Practice:The details of the programs to be carried out were scheduled by the NSS unit and the same is informed to the volunteers. Some of the programs implemented under this are as follows
· Two days “Swach Bharath” Awareness Camp was conducted which was intended to create awareness in the community about the importance of cleanliness of the surroundings.
· Awareness programs were conducted on “Yoga” and the use of practicing yoga and the maintenance of good health.
· “AIDS”Awareness programs and rallies were conducted making the community aware of ill effects of illegal sexual contacts.
· Workshops on “Tobacco” were conducted to make the community aware of harmful effects of Tobacco and its products.
· “Blood grouping & Blood donation”camps were conducted motivating the community towards blood donations to the needy.
· Awareness programs were conducted on “Cancer &The preventive measures “to be taken.
· Awareness programs were conducted on “Child poshanabhiyaan, Nutritional Diet & Good health”.
Evidence of success:
· The organizational skill among the students appeared to be enhanced while organizing the various programs in the institution.
· Motivated by the above programs the students were appeared more sensitized and actively participated in other social activities conducted by the institution.
· The reduction in infant’s mortality rate in the community is direct evidence to the success of the programs.
· Positive feedback about the programs from the community is direct evidence to the effectiveness of the practice.
· Inspired by the blood donation camp a good positive response was witnessed from the community and more people came forward to donate the blood to the needy.
Problems encountered and resources required:
As such there is no major problem encountered in the implementation of this practice. Other than meagre financial support, no additional resources were required.
The NSS program officers of the institution underwent the necessary training to undertake various community services in and outside of the college. The principal of the college extended all-encompassing support to the teachers and the students for their social services.
Best practice -2: Title of the practice:
“Promotion of environmental consciousness and making the Campus a green belt zone”
“Environment is no one’s property to destroy but is every one’s responsibility to protect”
The environment where we live within are of prime concern since it is directly related who our survival. Keeping it healthy is the responsibility of each and every stakeholder of the institution.
· To identify and control the impact of activities of the institution on the environment.
· To set the procedure for disposal of all harmful waste
· To reduce energy consumption
· To train all the stakeholders of the institution and empower them to contribute and participate in the environmental protection.
· To recognize the initiatives taken by the institution towards environment.
· To secure the environment and cut-down the threats posed to human health
· To safeguard Bio - diversity for the welfare of nature.
· To spread awareness on greenery and its impact on nature.
· To cortile pollution and provide a healthy environment.
Context:In tune with the above objectives and keeping the view of the importance of environmental sustainability the institution is conscious about undertaking plantation work and maintaining cleanlinessin and around the campus and hence a good effect on the environment of the institution.
· Making the campus plastic free zone
· Safe disposal of e-wastes.
· Conservation of water
· Conservation of energy
The Practice:
The various green initiatives undertaken by the institution are as follows.
· “Plantation practice is one of the most important and healthy practices that the institution performs at regular intervals and hence the college campus is serene and lush green. The campus is spread over diverse plant species and colorful seasonal flowers. The lush green trees spread over the campus provide shade and a beautiful ambience to the entire surroundings. The green plants species of the campus are identified and documented by the department of Botany. The Flore of includes approximately 65 varieties. To make the campus Eco-friendly various initiatives have been undertaken by the institution and the college arranges special programs for generating awareness among the stakeholders and highlights the urgency to increase the green cover”.
· Use of plastic materials is banned in the campus. All plastic items are replaced by biodegradable (or) reusable alternatives. R.O water purifier is installed to curtail massive use of plastic bottles.
· Rain water is harvested and is used for cleaning the apparatus in Chemistry, Botany and Zoology laboratories.
· AC condensed water is used for tree plantation.
· Observing Nature Day, Bare foot walking Day, S.G.S public transport Day is our Days of Green remainder.
This Eco-friendly work culture will help us materialized our ecological vision and mission to make S.G.S Arts College a green belt campus.
Evidence of success:
By joint effort of the principal, all departments and IQAC of the institution to make the campus eco –friendly and a green belt zone, the efforts undertaken by the institution are
· Faculty of department of Botany has arranged special classes for all the students of Botany to identify the plant species in different ecological conditions.
· The NSS unit of the institution has organized “Swatch Bharat” program intended to create environmental conscious on all the stakeholders of the institution.
· Botanical garden, Landscaping with about 65 trees and plants on the ecological pride of the campus.
· Green registered is maintained through projects like campus tree labeling survey.
Environmental Audit &Energy Audit was conducted on 27-08-2021 which provides us with data as to and how for our green initiatives have been successfully implemented and also the measures to be adopted in future.
Problems encountered and Resources required:
No problems are being faced by the institution in maintenance of the college campus eco-friendly and a green belt zone. The management is kind enough to provide sufficient funds and man power in maintaining the campus serene and lush green.
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