Functions of IQAC

Contributions of IQAC:

•Teaching- Learning
•Extension activities
•Governance and Innovative Efforts
•Innovations and Best Practices

•Preparation of Academic Calendar in tune with University Academic Calendar
•Review of progress of Curriculum Delivery by conducting review meetings with HODs of the departments.
•Collect Feed back from the stake holders for further improvement in  curriculum delivery in the next semester.
Teaching- Learning:

•Enforcement of maintenance of Academic calendar
•Integrating conventional teaching with ICT tools.
•Encouraging the faculty to adopt learner centric methodologies for effective and efficient Teaching -  Learning.
•Incorporation of self study component in all departments.
•Organizing Special classes to improve communication skills.
•Implementation of  robust Mentor- Mentee system.
•Transparent continuous internal assessment.
•Directing the departments to bridge the gap between rural and urban background students through special and remedial classes.
•Evaluation of teachers on the basis of self appraisal and student feed back.
  • Promote scientific temper and research culture and aptitude among the staff.
  • Encourage the faculty to undertake research projects.

Extension activities:

  • Blood donation camp & Awareness program
  • Swatch Bharat Abhiyan
  • Rally on AIDS awareness
  • Tree plantation program
  • Trafficking awareness program

Governance and Innovative Efforts:

  • Grievance Redressalcell
  • Anti Ragging committee
  • Women cell 
  • Attendance committee
  • Admission committee
  • Library advisory committee
  • Discipline committee
  • House examination committee

Innovations and Best Practices:


•Blending convention teaching with ICT
•Internet facility through Wi-Fi connectivity
•Installation of CCTV to monitor
•Establishing conducive relationship among the stake holders
•Using LED bulbs and power saving fans for saving the energy
Best Practices:
•Saving energy
•Maintained of lush green & ECO –  Friendly campus
•Robust the Mentor-Mentee system